Lactation Tag


Breastfeeding Support Group

*Please confirm all event details with the organizer as the details may have changed.    Meet us on the 3rd floor of Cedar Park Regional Hospital for a free support group led by an IBCLC. Meet other moms, talk with our lactation consultant, and weigh your baby. Every...


Breastfeeding Basics

*Please confirm all event details with the organizer as the details may have changed.    Join our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) for an informative and interactive class on breastfeeding. Taking a breastfeeding class prenatally will help prepare you to achieve a successful breastfeeding experience. During...


Breastfeeding Support Group

*Please confirm all event details with the organizer as the details may have changed.    Meet us on the 3rd floor of Cedar Park Regional Hospital for a free support group led by an IBCLC. Meet other moms, talk with our lactation consultant, and weigh your baby. Every...


6 Breast Pumps Reviewed: Pros and Cons

My personal struggle pumping spurred my quest to find the ‘perfect’ breast pump. What I have discovered is that every pump will have pros and cons. ...


Milk: Documentary Screening & Panel Discussion

Join CTBC as we host a screening of Milk the Film during National Breastfeeding Month! *** We must sell 70 tickets in order to host this screening!*** You can purchase tickets using the link above. Be sure to invite your friends and share this great event! Following...


National Breastfeeding Month Proclamation & Concert

Join us for a rockin’ good time as we celebrate National Breastfeeding Month in Austin with a Proclamation from Austin City Council Member Leslie Pool! This breastfeeding and milk banking awareness concert, hosted by the Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin and Central Texas Breastfeeding Coalition,...