*Please confirm all event details with the organizer as the details may have changed.
The Austin Home Birth Meetup Group will screen the documentary ‘Why Not Home?’ at Austin Born.
Watch the trailer: http://www.whynothome.com/watch-trailer/
About the documentary:
Dr. Michelle Minikel thought home birth was crazy–until she got pregnant. Turns out she’s not alone. Why Not Home? exposes a secret from within the medical community. A small but growing number of doctors, midwives, and nurses who attend birth in the hospital are choosing to have their own children at home.
Through the compelling stories of women who choose to go outside the hospitals where they practice to give birth, viewers experience the beauty and challenges facing families both at home and in the hospital in a way that hasn’t been seen before.
Beyond the personal stories, Why Not Home? is a critical and thoroughly researched look at how we are providing maternity care in the US and the choices we are giving women and families about that care. Maternal mortality rates are rising in the US at at time when they are falling in every other industrialized country. Why Not Home? challenges viewers to move beyond the polarization and judgement that has plagued this issue for decades and instead embrace a more integrated and collaborative model for the future.